Office Space

  • 652 Upstairs - North - Flyn's Office

    Flyn is the primary therapist in this office. He sets his schedule, and others are welcome to use the space when he is not using it. Book time in Flyn's Office.

  • 652 Upstairs - Center - Reanna's Office

    Reanna's office is not suitable for client meetings. It is unavailable for therapist use.

  • 652 Upstairs - South - Mack's Office

    Mack is the primary in this office. They set their schedule and others are welcome to use the space when they aren't using it.

    When using another therapist's office, you must leave it as you found it.

  • 652 Downstairs - North

    Mindy and Clare share this office and set the schedule for the office. When they are not using it, others are welcome to use it.

    Any and all toys must be put back in their home. Any toys used must also be sanitized.

  • 652 Downstairs - South

    Emily is the primary and sets the schedule for this office. When she is not using it others are welcome to use the office.

    It must be returned to how you found it when you are done. If you need to swap a session for ADA purposes, reach out to Emily directly. Otherwise, use the calendar.

  • 650 Downstairs - North

    Jess is the primary and sets the schedule around this office. When they are not using it you are welcome to use the space.

  • 650 - Downstairs - South

    Christi is the primary and sets the schedule for this office.

  • 650 Upstairs - North

    Melody is the primary and sets the schedule for this office.

  • 650 Upstairs - Center

    Geoff is the primary and sets the schedule for this office.

  • 650 Upstairs - North

    This office is currently rented to Caitlan Truitt and is unavailable for Wild Heart Society staff.